Welcome to the application process

Application for MPI MIS Position

  • You can apply here for a Postdoctoral Position, a Long Term stipend or a Short Term stipend at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences in Leipzig, Germany.
  • We provide a scientific environment where you are encouraged to explore new scientific directions and where you will find many partners with whom you can discuss a wide range of scientific ideas.

Postdoctoral Positions

  • 1-3 years
  • Deadline December 1st every year (for the general call, starting date flexible). Special calls might have different deadlines.
  • No teaching duties, but the possibility to teach an advanced course in our international graduate school.
  • see a list of all possible mentors
  • Required documents: CV, list of publications, transcript of PhD certificate (If you did not receive your PhD certificate yet: Please upload a short statement about the current status of your PhD and a brief summary of what your thesis is about.), a research statement also addressing research projects with names of possible collaborators at MPI MiS.


  • see more infos about our guest stipend (long-term or short-term) at the MPI MiS career page

Application for IMPRS Graduate Program

  • The International Max Planck Research School Mathematics in the Sciences (IMPRS MiS) is a joint activity of three departments (Institute of Mathematics, Institute of Computer Science and Institute of Physics and Earth Science) of the University of Leipzig, and the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences.
  • We offer 3 year appointments.
  • Payment based on the Collective Wage Agreement for the Civil Service (TVöD) corresponding to 50 percent of Pay Group 13.
  • No tuition fees, no teaching duties
  • Mentorship from world class faculty at MPI MIS and University of Leipzig
  • Career enhancement workshops, advanced lecture courses
  • Funding for travel and research
  • German language courses are provided
  • Special support for families and in solving child-care issues
  • Closing dates for applications for these positions are May 1st and December 1st each year.
  • Required documents: CV, a transcript of examination results, and a copy of the master thesis (if applicable). You might also include other examination results like the certificate of your master's degree. If you have not received your PhD certificate yet: Please use the field "Transcript of examination results" to upload a short statement about the current status of your PhD and a brief summary of what your thesis is about.

Some information how to apply

  • Submissions of applications proceed through an electronic form hosted by Opencampus.
  • At first you need to create a new account (see "Create new account" at the right side) to apply for a login. If required please select the right position type.
  • A one time link to complete your registration will be sent to your email address.
  • Please follow the steps in the email and start the registration process.
  • In case you have already an account please login and start/continue your registration.
  • It consists of three steps. After every step you can save your data and continue later.
    • In the first step please fill in your personal information.
    • Also indicate one or more scientists as a mentor (MPI MiS Postdoc Position) or as Phd advisors (IMPRS Phd position) among the scientific members, and give the names of at least two referees (up to 5 are possible).
    • In the second step you must upload your CV and the other documents, see above.
    • In the last step you will see your complete application and you will need to submit it finally.
  • After your submission you can't change your application information and files.
  • Your referees will be contacted automatically to upload their letter of recommendation in the database.
  • We inform you via email about the progress of your application and also in your account you can see the status.
  • The decision of the selection committee will be communicated approximately six weeks after the closing dates.